Individual Psychotherapy

The main aim of therapy is to learn more about yourself and gain tools to live a happier life. 

You will also become more adept at learning your triggers, reactions to them and how to better manage your emotions.

It’s time to start

Before we meet, we will have a complimentary phone consultation to see if I’m the right fit for you.

Meet in-person

Then, we will schedule an in-person session so that you have time to further discuss your concerns. Additionally, we will collaborate to set therapy goals and clarify your needs.

Our sessions

It is suggested we initially meet on a once-a-week basis and then space our sessions as symptoms subside and you report feeling better. There is no set length of time for you to be in therapy.

I will routinely perform “check-ins” to see how you think our work is going and also assess when/if we need to space our time together or conclude our work.

Throughout the process, we will be engaged in on-going collaboration so that you know you are fully a part of the process and your voice is of great importance in all aspects of our work together

Individual Psychotherapy sessions

⏲ Therapy sessions are 50 minutes in length.
$ Individual psychotherapy is $225 per hour.


EMDR sessions